The Good Republican

The Missouri Republican Party claims Jim Evans is not their unspecified definition of a Republican. I believe that I might be "more Republican" than those making that claim. Let them clearly state their definition of "Republican" for comparison.

To me the “Good Republican:”

·                 Exhibits upstanding moral character by practicing stewardship, generosity, kindness, and honesty

·                 Lives the Christian principles of helping the least among us, welcoming strangers, and looking after the sick

·                 Believes lust for wealth, cheating, and deception are sins

·                 Is an advocate for civil liberty and individual rights - never passes judgment

·                 Respects the Constitution, rule-of-law, the sovereignty of other nations, and is weary of the military-industrial complex

·                 Fights for wages, benefits, and safety for the working person

·                 Protects small family businesses against the unfair practices of giant transnational corporations

·                 Is a fiscal hawk who seeks to eliminate both budget and trade deficits with fair and balanced economic growth-oriented policy

·                 Seeks to eliminate waste and fraud while implementing the most efficient and effective programs

·                 Works with others to find consensus-based fact-driven solutions that build unity while helping all Americans

·                 Acts to protect Americans from all kinds of violence and insure Americans’ safety, and security

·                 Understands both the human and economic necessity of quality, accessible healthcare and education.  

I aspire to be a “Good Republican.”